Neither both when I eat this, just simply an idea of having different kind of dinner. Ya, I've tang yuen and green bean soup for my dinner today..simple,easy and nice! =D I bought this packet of glutinous rice flour in Moscow during winter break and this rice flour might be too common to get in your place, but you'll never find one in Kursk. That's why make it so precious =p
No special recipe used, just simply add adequate water to the rice flour, then make it into round oval shape and put them one by one into a rapidly boiling water. Stir few times to prevent sticking together, and after 5-6 min when you see them floating, it is ready to be served. You can either serve it in soup or with grinded groundnut+sugar, like what I used to do =)
Actually there are many ways of making various kinds of delicious and colourful tang yuen (like pork filled tanh yuen, black sesame seed tang yuen, black sesame soup, etc) the one i made is the simplest plain tang yuen =p

Tang yuen mixed with grinded nuts, believe me it's nice! ^^

Full and bloated after eating, although not so well-mixed, but it tastes great =)

Colourful tang yuen soup
-Late post-
I just learnt that the various kinds of tang yuan are from different kinds of dialects. The foochow have theirs coated with peanut. In fact, foochows don't eat the soup type. Hehe..
Bro,tat tang yuan really made by u ar.. unbelievable! cos u never made it at home be4.. hehe.. =P I would like to try the colourful tang yuan waiting for u coming back and made some for us to try up ya.. =) yeah!!
Hi,'s me!! i just created my google account.. hehe!! Take k ya.. =)
dude,,,where did you buy the glutinous rice flour here at moscow..tell me me at
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