But it is true that we'd CNY celebration last saturday! Indeed it was a so belated celebration, but all of us as students in Kursk do really appreciate and treasure this concert. It is not easy to have such kind of celebration especially in Russia here because all of us are from foreign lands, and many difficulties ranged from Organising committee selection, approval from university, budgets for each event, financial sponsorship, performances, food, venue, ticket promotion...etc gotta break through before it is finally carried out. At first, it was planned to be held in January but due to semester exam, it had been postponed to February. And again due to majority of students left for winter vacation to other places, it was then rescheduled to March.
CNY celebration '08 was organised by Malaysian CNY committees @ Kursk Malaysian Medical Students' Association (KMSA). There're altogether 19 events include Lion Dance, Martial Art Performance, 'Wu Niang' dance, Acapella performance, bandchestra aka Dragon9, Fan dance, lucky draw and many more.
In my opinion, it was a very successful concert and CNY committes had really done their best to bring to all students here such a great wonderful night. We can see the hardworks of people in each and every single event. Credits and applauses to Wong Choc Ky, organizing chairman of CNY concert 2008. And also special thanks to our financial sponsorship namely Magaram Enterprise, Trans-Russian Company and Datuk Dr. Wong Sai Hou.
Another important thing not forget to mention is although it is this concert wasn't involved purely chinese, but also Malays, Indians, Africans and other different races over the nations! Glad to see that CNY concert this year was held successfully =) Many of my groupmates were involved and they'd a real busy weekend. They are Johnny Kiu (Camera-man of the night), Eddy Su (Usher + Mr. Chinatown of the night --Best chinese traditional dress..wow! kononnya la =P), Kelvin Chong (Backdrop and helpful committe member), and Ik (Usher too? or ticket collector? not so sure hehe =p). Any other of my groupmates involved indirectly? Well, if so, tell me and I'll put your name up! ^^
Here are some snaps from the concert =D

As written on the left banner -- China Town. View during last preparation of the stalls outside the hall before the event started.
View of the concert hall, taken before the opening ceremony. It is newly renovated and can accommodate more than 500 ppl. Many students arrived early to choose a best-view seat.

Lion Dance during opening ceremony. Well.. a kinda small 'lion' but it is really something so special here in Kursk, and I bet that this could be the first 'lion' in Kursk, Russia =) It was brought from Malaysia by a student during this winter holiday. I guess the organizing commitee members are surely much heartened by arrival of this little 'lion'.
Dancing Diva or so-called Wu Niang in chinese. Nice performance brought by a group of enthusiastic chinese and indian students.

Bandchestra-Dragon 9 performance - a cool musical show with all 9 different musical instruments played by 9 'Black Dragons'. So nice are the musics, so cool are the peoples, just fantastic!
Break time! Besides food, there're many stalls set up in 'China Town' to show and demonstrate the chinese traditions. Here twins were showing the correct way to make chinese tea to Dean of foreign students, Prof. Yuri Lyashev, accompanied by our organizing chairman, Mr. Wong Choc Ky (Right)

Guess what they were waiting? yeah, waiting for their names to be written by calligrapher pro! looking around you can easily see that both calligraphy stalls were full of ppl..russians, chinese, indians, malays, africans were all here for their chinese names! Hottest spot during the break.
Introducing the way to use chopsticks! 3 different levels of challenges, from the big-sized meatball, to cabbage slices, and the smallest - nuts! Well, these 2 russians are smart, they managed to grab meatball well in 2nd trial. ^^

Latin dance. Perfect performance brought by 5 couples of students.
Wow! This one is truly not an ordinary band! Formed just 2 months old and has 8 talented members. Before the performance, there was a funny clip about the process of band forming, causing much amusements and laughters from the crowds.
And now guess what song they performed?? ya, once the most famous song -- Kai Bu Liao Kou -- Jay Chou's song! Song performed not by chinese singers but 2 malays!! respect ^^ really a good job!

Agogo dance...just LOL! Can't stop laughing by looking at these funniest dancers, especially they're all your friends! Look at their dresses and the way they dance =D deafening applause from audience, excellent job!
Well, to those who might not know what agogo means, it is actually from words GO-GO, dance was originated in the early 1960s and one of whose meanings is "power of going, energy, vigor".
The whole concert lasts for 4 hours+, bringing to all the students here a joyous and wonderful night. =)
very belated celebration.
the video will be ready soon~~
wah...i think this concert is the best so far that i've seen! really enjoyed all the shows..and i msut say, the 9 dragon and wu niang is the best!!
well, also for the band by group 2..aha...really superb!!!
lots of Jay's influence in this concert, eh! ahaha
yo Johnny, video free delivery or need to purchase one?? =P
Hi Lynn wei! Thanks for visiting again hehe =p Jay's influence took over tradition new year songs i guess, should ask Jay Chou to publish an album of CNY songs new year, sure will bring good sales =D
see how good my idol jay chou is doing...lol..
influencing everyone here^^
nice post having to link me hehe
good job
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