This is an old bridge which I'd to walk through everyday during early weeks of my semester this year. I'd 2 weeks course of Tuberculosis cycle and this bridge is the only way for me to cross over to the opposite side of the river, where the hospital is situated. It was built for railways and now is nearly abondoned. It's an very adventurous journey and every step has to be very carefully especially during winter time. Have a nice weekend!
Great Metal Shot! And we do have an "X" theme going as well... plus the bridge theme as well. Have a great weekend!
Interesting,,and must be pretty tire walk on train railway,anywhere is a challenging work!
Happy weekend!!
The railway is meant for train,if walk on them,must be very adventorous,must be very enjoyable,
Mine is up too.
great pic for this weeks theme, looks a bit cold brrrrr!
thanks for visiting mine
Happy Easter.
Great pic for METAL!!!! Good luck in your classes too :)
Yipes, I believe I'd have to miss that course rather than cross that very menacing bridge.
That is beautiful but I can see how it would be a difficult and sometimes risky walk in the winter. Hope you have a great weekend.
Beautiful shot. Love the perspective.
Very nice photo. I, too, would enjoy walking over that bridge each day. I do hope it is safe to walk on though.
You must be getting a lot of exercise everytime you walk that bridge! Just always be careful though...
Happy Easter.
I like the shot that u make and that snow adds to the mystery of of it!Well-done!Happy Easter!
What an excellent first entry! I love it....bridges are so interestingn. Thanks for stopping by my place.
Wow! what a lovely picture for this week theme, just keep it up and tnx for dropping by!
Happy Easter!
Welcome to the Club :) This shot is very well taken. It has the feel of a child's dream in a fantasy world. Some what Harry Potter type of feel.. haha :P Anyway, I love it!
This is really a great shot of the bridge and must be relaxing walking along the tracks too ;)
You have a long way to go walking over that bridge. And with snowy weather it will be slippery too I guess.
Thanks for your constructive comment on my post. Comments that make me learn are always welcome.
Happy Easter! (if you celebrate that in China)
nice shot! :-)look so cold!
anyway, passing by here blog hopping!
Happy Easter!
wow..its cool ^^
Nice shot. Welcome to the Hunt!
Wow..such an awesome picture. Snow on metal...
Very nice shot you have here. It looks cold there.
Great maiden Photo Hunt entry! Thanks for visiting my blog too! :)
Looks cold with snow on the metal bridge. Have fun.
Thanks foe visiting mine.
great shot! thanks for the visit. sorry for late response, just arrived.
welcome to the hunt! :)
Welcome to the Photo Hunt :) A great entry! It looks like quite an adventure for you each time.
thanks for visiting mine :)
thats a beautiful pic..i loved the look of th bridge in the snow...
chikku :)
Great pics. And I love the fact that it's half covered with snow.
HI..thats a great shot. Just posted my new Photohunt too as I was new to this. U a Malaysian too? Appreciate yr comments.
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