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Thursday, 8 May 2008
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Patient's abdomen was inflated with carbon dioxide and the whole operation is carried out under a video monitor in front of the patient. It took hours for this operation as some gall stones were dispersed during removal of gall bladder. Indeed, it is not easy to be a surgeon, who requires great patience and good skills, as well as strength.
Today is the first day of new cycle - extreme medicine. This course is taken place at traumatology department in one of the farthest hospital from my hostel, which takes about 1 hour by public bus. The whole cycle lasts for 1 week and it's relatively relaxing course compared to others.
Tomorrow will be public holiday here for a memorable called Victory Day. This day has a very significant meaning for all the people living here. Every 9 May, they celebrates the victory over Nazi Germany, while remembering those who fell in order to achieve it.
9 May was chosen, since in the night from 8th to 9th 1945 the German military surrendered to the Soviet Union and its Allies in Berlin (Karlshorst). For people in Russia this happened on the 9th (time change).
As usual, a grand military parade will be held in Moscow as well as other regions to celebrate the day. There will be a small celebration here in Kursk also according to the news released, which will take place at Memorial Park, a 5-min walking distance from my hostel... maybe I should take this chance to snap few pictures on spot ^^
Have a nice day to all, and to those who celebrate Victory day, enjoy your holiday! =)
Monday, 5 May 2008
Links Update!
Taking a long break here since last post =P
Actually, I'm not having break, instead, busy with other things. I'm sorry for no update lately but really much more things yet to be done here, both academically and non-academic aspects. I'll reschedule my timetable to make it able for me to spend time equally in each aspect. Just wanna shout out loudly - 24 hours in a day is just not enough for me!!
Ya, here is an update for my blog. As you can see, there's no more links displayed on the main page. I've replaced it with a hyperlink, and removed this long list of links.
Thanks for this suggestion given by my fellow bloggermates. Ya, I admit that it makes my blog messy and untidy with such a long list, and the most important thing is it causes inconvenience as visitors have to roll down the list before they could find my chat box.
I've moved all the links (MyLink1 and MyLink2) to another page. (Click here for it)
I'm pretty sure that all the existed links in my blog are included in this page. However, I still need you to check it out once more time, to make sure that your link is correct and no broken. So please check it out and just leave me a message on that page, if there's any mistake.
Have a nice day! Stay cool ^^
*P/s: Both pages of link lists are labelled with 'Link' at Labels on the right sidebar, under blog achieve. Just click there to find out both MyLink1 and MyLink2. Thanks!
Thursday, 1 May 2008
Labour Day
Today 1/5 is labour day! I’m sure all of us have a day-off, or if not at least will get a doubled or even tripled-paid for your work today =)
For me, I’ve 2 days holiday here, Thursday and Friday. Good thing is many activities can be carried out on Thursday as the day follows is holiday. However, we’ve actually to ‘pay’ for this, because there will be no holiday on this weekend – meaning we’ve class on Saturday and Sunday! argh… can’t enjoy in this weekend =(
Anyway, I heard from my friends that there will be 2 days-off again next week. What a good news! ^^
I believe that many of us have plans in our mind where to go, what to do, especially in this public holiday. It’s a great time to have gathering with friends and family, party, BBQ, picnic, a day-trip or some might prefer to just stay at home, lying down relaxingly and watch movies for the whole day =)
I wish all of you Have a Nice time! Enjoy the holiday! ^^
*Supposed to post this on the day itself, somehow just forgot to do it... =p
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Thank You!
Hi All! I'm back the blogging world after having a few days break =P Nothing special event, just simply get myself out from here for a while and hope to get some 'fresh' ideas of changing my blog =)
So, first of all, I want to thank all those who gave me some tips and suggestion. Just wanna shout out loudly that your opinion is much appreciated! As I've promised, here is a THANK YOU list ^^
My Daily Thought
little pooh
vera (Thanks for the link! that template is really cool, will take into consideration! =D)
Perfumes (your post has been removed, couldn't get your link)
Jeff & Nova
Last but not least! also all those who posted your ideas in the chat box too!
Thanks again for your comment and time. This post is specially devoted as a token of appreciation to all who helped me out here. As the changing is taking place step by step, your opinion is still welcome!
Wish you all Have a nice day!
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Easter Sunday
Ya, only Easter cake! Looks like muffins with sugar cream as its topping.
It's very common for ppl here to buy this cake during this celebration. It has different sizes and shapes, but they're basically all the same in taste. Easter cake can be found in almost all food stalls along the street. Well, I've no idea why is this cake so popular here...maybe it has certain meaning behind? or just merely a symbolized food for Easter's day.
Still remember that I'd one post about Easter's celebration last month, and someone might wonder why is it again once more Easter celebration here. Well, ya we've 2 Easter's Sunday here, one is for Western countries (on 23 of March) and today's one (27 of April) is for Orthodox, where most Russians here are celebrating it.
I bought a small one since there's no other choice =p
The taste is still ok and it has raisins in it...just I don't really like its creamy topping, too sweet! >.<
Saturday, 26 April 2008
I've just finished final credit test for Tropical Biology today! well, it's an interesting subject in which you learn more about causative agents of many popular tropical diseases in human. We've learned the morphology(this part is boring...but important to know), epidemiology, route of transmission, life cycle, pathology and clinical features, treatments and preventions of the diseases.
Some of the worms are well-known in our community like malaria, which is a major health problem with ober 40% of the world population affected. Just a reminder, it's very important to maintain a hygienic way of lifestyles eg. always wash hand before and after doing something, keep your living place clean, having a proper dressing (no bare foot, use slipper at least when you're outside), be attentive when choosing food (especially meat products), make sure food is well cooked before serve, boil water before drinking, etc... simple things to do right? yet some just ignore it...
It's good to know some facts especially route of transmission into human body. I'm gonna share this in future post when I'm bit free =p I'm sure you'll feel disgusting when you read more about it, like for example the worm Schistosoma japonicum can stay in your intestine and produce 2000-3000 eggs per day! Just imagine...
Well, I'll share this in the coming post and I'm sure it's good for you to know as this is not uncommon disease among our society.
Time for nap =P Have a nice day! Stay tuned! ^^
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Thanks to all Commentors!
First of all, a BIG THANKS to all of you who giving me opinions on how to make this blog better! I really appreciate all the suggestions given. I'm now planning to bring some big changes for my blog and it will be carried out step by step. It might take some time as I'm still a newbie in this area and I hope everything goes on fine =)
For the time being, I'm busy checking through all the names in my link list. It really takes time but I think it's worth it as I've found many faulty links, inaccessible web address and broken back-links. I'll make changes soon on for the link list once I finish this scanning.
And I'm sorry for no new updates these few days. I've just finished credit test on clinical pharmacology yesterday and today is the first day of tropical pathology cycle. I'm gonna be busy this whole week I guess...
Anyway, the blog will still be updated from time to time, so hope to see you around here often ^^
ohya, about the request of link changes, questions, etc in the chat box, Sorry for the delayed reply! I promise to reply as soon as possible once the link check is done.
Also, I'll make a 'Thank You' list sooner later, as a token of appreciation to those in contributing the ideas of changes in my blog, thanks again! =D
WIsh All of you A Nice Day!
Calm after the storm
Well, guess what changes I notice following the raining days?
Yes, it's earth-worm! Everywhere on the street you can see earth-worms!
How many do you think inside this snapshot?
I bet there're not less than 100 earth-worms in this street I've seen on my way back from university! well, I've no idea why are they 'migrate' from soil to street, but it's definitely caused by the heavy rain here. Look closer at this earth-worm... it's just big and long! It's longer than length of a pen, much bigger and longer than the earth-worms I've seen before! a very good fishing-bait =)
Monday, 21 April 2008
What Do You Think?
I need your help to give some opinions about my blog. As most of you know, this is my very first blog, which established at the end of year 2007 and only becomes active this year. I'm still learning how to make it in a better way that brings a nice and more convenient outlook to all.
What do you think about the appearance of my blog now? does it look ok? or just untidy and unorganised that causing eye-sore? What's the changes needed in your opinion?
I've thought of adding something new to my blog, eg widgets, search button, etc... but my blog has large enough contents that it will just make my blog longer and looks more messy if I continue to add new things in...
Thinking of changing templates, to make it more organised and better looking appearance...does it help?
Be frank please =)
I'm in need of real opinions and constructive comments from all of you.
Thanks in advance!
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Design Your Own Google!
Create a name you wish to have, just simply enter the text and your unique logo will appear in seconds! Look at my google!
So what you can do with your own google?
Well, tell and show to your friends and your family your own unique Google page =) Besides that, bookmark it and use it every time you search Google! There're some suggestions listed there as well, and the option to send an email to others is available, so just spread your google around!
Have fun with it and go for a try now! =)
Wish All have a blessed weekend!
Friday, 18 April 2008
Microwave Popcorn
IT is wrapped in a small packet when I bought it from Magnesh supermarket. I'd been looking for honey-coated popcorn but only the butter-coated popcorn was available. well, didn't know much about the way to made it for the first time, just follow whatever instruction written on the packet. Pretty good to know that full instruction is clearly stated and popping hints are attached on the packet too!
It's just easy as 1-2-3, and can be done within 10 minutes. Good choice of healthy snack! =)
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Ever suffer from Gastritis?
Ya my sister was asking me in a sms whether or not to continue her medicine for gastritis prescribed by doctor. She asked so because of the allergy to the drugs used and wanna me to tell more facts about gastritis, which I'm going to share it. Well, just a share of what I've learned so far =)
Rather than writing full info about gastritis(which is bored really...and I believe most will not even bother to pay attention on it if i include pathogenesis, theories, mechanism of actions...etc), I'll make it easy and brief.
Gastritis simply means inflammation of the gastric mucosa of the stomach. It is of 2 types: Type A (caused mainly due to autoimmune disease) and type B (due to bacteria, which is more common). The following are known causes and factors related to gastritis:
- Bacterial infection (most often by Helicobacter pylori)
- Fungal infection (most often in people with immunodeficiency)
- Stress
- Excessive caffeine consumption (eg. Coffee)
- Parasitic infection (most often by Anisakis spp. from poorly cooked seafood)
- Bile reflux
- Drugs (NSAIDs and steroid treatments for other conditions)
- Cigarette smoke
- Autoimmune disorders
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Certain allergens
- Certain types of radiation
- Stomach injury
- Eating Disorders, such as Bulimia (common in women)
The main symptoms of gastritis are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, headache, and dizziness. There is always pain and discomfort in the region of the stomach.
Other symptoms are a coated tongue, foul breath, bad taste in the mouth, increased flow of saliva, scanty urination, a general feeling of uneasiness, and mental depression. In more chronic cases, the patient may complaint of heartburn and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, especially after meals. Often there is constipation, but occasionally, there may be diarrhoea due to intestinal catarrah.
If the diagnosis has been confirmed by doctor, drugs are often a choice for treatment. Treatment for gastritis usually consists of removing the irritant or the infection. In cases of infection, a doctor will most often prescribe antimicrobial drugs.
Helicobacter infection typically responds well to the triple therapy protocol (consisting of two antibiotics, and a proton pump inhibitor). Glad to know that nowadays, Quadruple therapy has a >90% success rate and includes PPIs, Bismuth subsalicylates, Metronidazole, and Tetracycline.
It is always good to finish the prescribed doses of drugs unless stated otherwise. This is to make sure that the treatment is at full course and prevent residual bacteria to develop resistance against the drugs.
It is good if you know what's the exact causes for your gastritis as full resolution will be achieved only upon removal of the causes. I've found these interesting alternative treatment other than drugs, which I think it's somehow good to know =)
- Gastritis treatment using Coconut
Coconut water is an excellent remedy for gastritis. It gives the stomach the necessary rest and provides vitamins and minerals. The stomach is greatly helped in returning to a normal condition if nothing but coconut water is given during the first twenty-four hours.
- Gastritis treatment using Rice
Rice gruel is another excellent remedy for acute cases of gastritis. One cup of rice gruel is recommended twice daily. In chronic cases where the flow of gastric juice is meagre, such foods as require prolonged vigorous mastication are beneficial as they induce a greater flow of gastric juice.
- Gastritis treatment using Potato
Potato juice has been found valuable in relieving gastritis. The recommended dose is half a cup of the juice, two or three times daily, half an hour before meals.
- Gastritis treatment using Marigold
The herb marigold is also considered beneficial in the treatment of gastritis. An infusion of the herb in doses of a tablespoon may be taken twice daily.
Well, here is the list of recommendation, which proven to be effective in relieving and curbing the symptoms.
-- Fasting, Water
The patient should undertake a fast for two of three days or more, depending on the severity of the condition. He should be given only warm water to drink during this period. This will give rest to the stomach and allow the toxic condition causing the inflammation to subside.
-- All-fruit diet
After the acute symptoms subside, the patient should adopt an all-fruit diet for the next three days and take juicy fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, grapefruit, oranges, pineapple, peaches, and melons.
-- Avoid alcohol, tobacco, spices, meat, sweet, strong tea/coffee
The patient should avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco, spices and condiments, meat, red pepper, sour foods, pickles, strong tea and coffee. He should also avoid sweet, pastries, rich cakes, and, aerated waters.
-- Have curd and cottage cheese
Curds and cottage cheese should be used freely. Too many different foods should not be mixed at the same meal. Meals should be taken at least two hours before going to bed at night. Eight to ten glasses of water should be taken daily but water should not be taken with meals as it dilutes the digestive juices and delays digestion. Above all, haste should be avoided while eating and meals should be served in a pleasing and relaxed atmosphere.
-- Well-balanced diet
He may, thereafter, gradually embark upon a balanced diet consisting of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits.
Other gastritis treatment may include:
--Warm-water enema, dry-friction
From the commencement of the treatment, a warm-water enema should be used daily for about a week to cleanse the bowels.The patient should be given dry friction and a sponge daily.
--Application of heat with a hot compress or hot water bottle
Application of heat with a hot compress or hot water bottle, twice a daily, either on an empty stomach or two hours after meals, will also be beneficial.
--Avoid hard physical, mental work, worries.
The patient should not undertake any hard physical and mental work.He should avoid worries and mental tension.
--Breathing exercises are essential
He should, however, undertake breathing and other light exercises like walking, swimming, and golf.
Remember! It is essential to know what's the real cause if you've suffered from gastritis. Relapsing is very common for this disease if the underlying pathology is not fully removed.
Hope this is useful for ALL! =D
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Ya, it is very similar to the one we've known -- Kebab. Maybe it is originated from kebab, just the people here modify the content and call it 'sharvama'. However, they are not the same, coz kebab has different ingredients and most of them are wrapped with bread. In this town, Kebab is sold at high class food court and restaurant while ppl can buy 'sharvama' from food stall in the market or by the roadside.
It is very delicious and tasty, very tempting food especially if you're hungry. Although the price rises up again last semester, from 30 Rub to 50 Rub (about Rm 7) per piece, but it is still a good choice of meal since eating other outside food here is probably double or triple the price of this (see here for more) I like it very much, so do my groupmates and other ppl here =)
This is one of the most famous sharvama stall, situated at the end corner near the entrance of the market. It gains better reputation over other sharvama stalls because of its special ingredients and spices used in making it. You can smell it from miles away.. ^^
Look at the grilled pork, they look so delicious and smell good!
We'd just ordered 4 sharvamas (me, Eddy, Kelvin and Liew) and this russian lady was busy preparing for it. Just in less than 5 minutes time, we'd our sharvama ready to be taken =D
Ya, one of the sharvama we'd ordered. The shot is not that good pretty much due to the cold windy weather making my hands shivering =s
A must-to-try food if you've chance to visit any part of Russia =)
Monday, 14 April 2008
The Day
And also we'd final exam on psychiatry subject today after the class of clinical pharmacology. Nothing much to say about this exam, one thing good is we can have it done before the semester ends. I was kinda tired after coming back to hostel and had a over-time nap till forgot the time for ping pong training session... >.<
Not a good feeling day. Something wrong with my stomach in the afternoon and continues till now, probably problem of the food I've taken... having few times diarrhoe and slight weakness ensues =(
Weather changes again abruptly today, no idea what's the exact temperature today, but it's probably around 4-6 C... still not that bad for me, but the strong wind is killing...
Just a simple day of mine...
Sunday, 13 April 2008
World Tallest Skyscraper!
But now it's no more the tallest building. With the advanced technology and descent creativity of mankind, more and more countries compete to construct a more unique and taller building in the world. Taipei 101 Tower has taken over the world record to be the tallest building in 2004. It is 504m in height over KL petronas Tower which is 452m.
Yet after all I'm sure no one can beat this ones... sooner later in this year, it will be the tallest ever skyscraper in the history of the world...Just imagine, it is almost double the height of KL twin tower!
--> The Burj Dubai.
(Credited to BurjDubaiskyscraper.com)
Amazing right? I found this when I search through the interesting places in Dubai as I might have a chance to pay a visit there if my flight transition period is too long. There's a lot of interesting and wonderful places in Dubai, and quite a number of them claimed to be the 'World Most' and 'World Best'!
Well, I'll look for more info and share with you all when I confirm my trip over there =D
Friday, 11 April 2008
All in vain in seconds!
I wrote a post about my points of view regarding HIV transmission rumours, which spread widely among the community of internet users. In this post, I wanna share some solid facts about these atypical way of HIV transmission so that more ppl know about the truth and correct idea of how exactly it can spread out. There's a large collections of these information, which I've to combine and extract them from different sources. It took up to 3 hours+ for me to do so. I've skipped my time for BMR event of the game, which I could rarely missed it before this. I was really tired but happy to see that my post was almost done. But guess what, just right before I finished my last sentence, I moved my mouse over the page and double clicked it... and my page disappeared!! I was stunned and couldn't believe what was happening.. was it gone? I quickly checked my history, my draft box, and even make it works offline, hoping to get back all that I'd just wrote... No, all had gone, this was just really disappointing! Few hours of works just wasted and gone in vain in a second of double-click =(
Well, I've no idea why I made a double-click over the page... it was really a very big mistake, but why the hell in this earth could a double-click close the page without any warning message?! ya, I'm using Advant Browser, and it was its default setting for double-click to close the page, which I knew only later. This is a very bad and not user-friendly default settings for closing a page. For IE (Internet Explorer), double clicks will only make it minimize but not closing the entire page. It is just ridiculous to bring down a page with a simple double-click >.< I was pissed off... well, nvm..after all, it's still my own mistake... =(
I should be more careful next time, especially when I see this line 'Could not contact Blogger.com. Saving and publishing may fail. Retrying...' I've no idea what was going on to my connection but I see those line quite often due to unknown reasons. I didn't really care whether if it is autosaved to draft before this, but now I know how pain it is to lose all the things that you've just wrote. I swear I would never let this happen again, a painful lesson for me...
Just wanna share this to you all, especially those using Advant Browser. Never double-click a page that you wish to continue to work on, it will cancel and close everything on that page (Well, maybe I'm still a noob to this browser, but it's still a good reminder to all)
About the lost post, I'll try to work it out again, but I need to rest now, it was 2.30am in the morning when that page was declared lost finally...
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Local Restaurants
It is very common and often for everyone of us to eat outside everyday especially if you're busy and have no time to prepare a good meal. Another reason that most ppl choose to have meal outside mainly because of the food is cheap and at reasonable price. Anyway, the story is different here in kursk.
If compared with other Asian countries like Malaysia and phillipine, it is much more expensive to eat outside here in Kursk. We as students here seldom having meal outside except for some birthday parties and special vacations. We rather choose to cook and prepare the food in the hostel, which is really much more cheaper than having it outside.
It is not surprise to spend up to Rm 100 per meal in the restaurant here. Sometimes for having a simple normal meal, you got to spend at least Rm 20, which is just enough to fill up for your stomach. The place where most reasonable price you can get for a meal is university canteen(Stalovaya in russian), of which the food there is partly subsidised by local government.
Some of you might wonder why is it so expensive to eat outside here? Is the food served really worth that much of price? well, in my opinion, I think it is all because of 'class' of the restaurants here. All, if not I bet at least 90% of the restaurants here are all 'High Class' restaurants and they're just so well decorated and looks luxurious. They put lots of efforts and money on designs and decoration, made the restaurants look like 5-star hostel. Food isn't the only main aim for what the restaurant is built, frankly speaking, they aren't really tasty sometimes, just the atmosphere in the restaurants is good and comfortable.
This is the pic of a restaurant nearby a metro station in Moscow. I didn't even dare to have a try after looking at the price.. it costs at least 600 rubs per person for a normal meal.
This is restaurant named Dacha, situated nearby my hostel. Well decorated and nice designs on the wall. Price is still considered ok (if you know what to order =p) and the place is great for group meeting or friends' gathering.
Guess how much is this meal cost? It costs nearly 300 rubs, which is about Rm 45...
Ya, this is part of pizza =)
This semester, I've most of my outside meal here with my groupmates in Broaster n' Baskin Robbins. The food is just nice and the best thing is this pizza, costs only 130 rubs per 8 pieces. Really worth it especially for those who want nice food and yet reasonable price. Kinda cool place for students =)
The prices above are for kursk region only. It is 2x, 3x or even 5x in capital Moscow, the most expensive(living expenses) in the world nowadays, edging out Tokyo, New York and other big cities. (see here to get more info about living costs in Moscow)
So, better make sure the price of the food before having any meal in restaurants here, otherwise you would have to pay an unexpectedly high amount of money just for a normal simple meal.
Monday, 7 April 2008
Well, I'm now having O'n'G cycle (Obestetric and Gynaecology). Thanks to the different teacher from last semester, this cycle is not as hectic as I thought. Apart from case-history taking, we've most of our time chit chat with each other. All different chatting topics can be found randomly here, we talk about everything, ranging from the most famour PRer Niny H. about her unique perspective of $$, to food and drinks, recent news in Malaysia, animals, dota, nick names, online games, hostel rumors, shifting to apartment, etc...blah blah... all kinds of topics except OnG-related topic =P
well, I do enjoy this time especially listening to those news or rumors in 5th hostel, since I'm the only one in my group staying in 4th hostel >.<
Yeah, Welcome back to Eddy S., who finally back rejoin our group =)
Maybe those who asking why I'm not here updating my news..well, I'm actually busy with other stuffs. 4th hostel cable renovation (click here to know more about this) is now reaching 7th floor, and I was busy helping my friends to move the stuffs in and out of the room between the floors. Thank God everything is getting almost done now after cleaning of the room for whole afternoon today. Apart from that, as you know (if you've read my previous post), it is now BMR event of 2Moons. Although not as crazy as some folks in the game, I do spend some of my time for that =)
Just my updates, wanna thanks to those who paying me visit from day to day, I really appreciate it ^^ take care all, c ya around~
Friday, 4 April 2008
Best 2Moons Christmas Video
Aha! Just checked out the forum for the latest news and I've found this, the winner of December Dancing Girl Video Contest! It was supposed to announce the result of this contest earlier but due to some circumstances, Acclaim GM has postponed it till now. Anyway, Congratz to the winner, Windbringer2! The prize is so attractive and nice, which are $100 in Acclaim Coins, 2Moons T-Shirt and Mouse Pad! Wow, how nice if I'm the one getting this! hehe.. =P
This is really a good video, nice show and great creativity! I've met some of the character ingame before and this great videa comes to a success thanked to all his guildmembers in the game, who worked out together to get the video done.
If you've been playing one of any MMORPG game before, you'd know what the video says about. However, it has sad ending, with the beloved one died in the battle. Well, from what I heard, this guy plays this game together with his wife, and both of them come out with this idea of making a romantic video during Acclaim December contest. Great job! ^^
Thursday, 3 April 2008
BMR event!
Ya, is Bad Moon Rising event, in conjuction with the latest patch release, 2Moons has announced a series of events! I've found this in the latest news release, and I believe it's just a part of it, not all! ^^
To know more, please check it out in the forum. Hehe, maybe some of you might wonder why I shared this here, actually just wanna to let more players know about it, if there's any here, because some of the players never check forum for any latest news and always miss such a great and rare event!
The 2x event is only last for 1 week! Starting from April 4 to April 11. So grab this chance to power up your character. Time and events are stated below, and I'm really envy those newbies for the new level milestone gift! Most of them are item mall stuffs, and it's just nice to have them!
Hmm... ya, I'd received this question from a friend here, asking about IP block in certain countries. Well, it's true that this game has limited all the IP from other countries other than US and Canada I guess. Try to check it out more in the link to forum, as provided in my previous post. Ya, you can still register, but just can't log in the game. For some who know how to deal with proxy, can have a try of it, it might work! ^^
For those who wanna try this game out but failed due to IP restriction, here is another good news! Dekaron EU has set up exactly another server exclusively for EU players! Try to google it for more info, so far as I know, they are having closed-beta testing now, it's a great time to get yourself familiar with the game, the chance too good to be missed! =P
Well, so here are the news!
-- Experience Point/Drop Rate Boost
Earn 2x experience points and item drop rates during these event times. *The amount of XP/Drop rate boost on Wed will be a surprise!
11am – 1pm PDT
7pm – 9pm PDT
-- Treasure Chest Drop
GMs will drop treasure chests around the specified maps. Find the treasure chests to win special prizes inside!
2pm – 4pm PST
Maps: Denebe, Parca and Draco
-- Level Up Event
Increase your character’s level to earn special rewards for reaching the various level milestones!
Level 10 prize
DIL –100K
Level 20 prize
Magic Health pack-B
Level 30 prize
Noble Health Pack-B
Level 40 prize
Divine Health Pack-B
Level 50 prize
Trieste Water-A
Level 60 prize
Soul of Alchemist 5EA, Trieste water-A, Abaddon Powder-A
- GM Showcase
Meet the GMs to see some of the game’s special high level content! GMs will meet with players at scheduled times and locations to showcase various special gear, weapons, items, and high level monsters. GMs will also be allowed to PvP during this event to show high level skills.
-- Bug Hunting Event
Submit screenshots of any game bugs or text errors to 2mbugs@acclaim.com. Prizes will be awarded to the players who submit the most bugs, the most significant bugs, and randomly for lucky bug reporters.
-- Random Drawing
All players who played during the events will be eligible to win prizes in a random drawing. Prizes include Veteran’s Amulets, Health and Mana Packs, Pets, and more!
-- Hunt the Creatures of God
Special unique items will be dropped when you hunt and kill the creature “Akris” wandering throughout various maps.
-- Contribution Event
Players need to contribute a certain number of vouchers to open the gateways to the new high level maps. Every player on the server needs to cooperate to open the maps. The number of vouchers needed will be displayed as a percentage in the game.
Just sharing out for some gamers around! =D
Have a great time!
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
I'm writing this because I notice that there're some changes taking place in my life here recently, especially on this very first day in April. Varying from significant degree to things that literally of no importance at all, these changes somehow affect me as well as the surrounding peoples. Few changes here include:
-- Transportation
My monthly expenses increase again due to increase in public transportation fees. Effective from this month onward, public bus fare increases from previously 6 rubs to 10 rubs..What a big difference!
Still remember when I first came to this place 5 years ago, the bus fare was only 3.5 rubs, and now it is almost triple! kinda burdening to use public bus now everyday but what to do..no other choices...
Anyway, it is still much more better than Moscow. In Moscow, public bus fare is 25 rubs per trip and for the metro-train it is 19 rubs per trip (cheapest transport). I think the price here will catch up sooner later if there's still no control over high inflation in this country.
-- Heavy Cycles
I've a very hectic timetable in April because of all heavy cycles dropped into this month. Well, yesterday was the first day of Therapy cycle, quite an interesting subject but it just takes too long time, which is almost double duration of normal class.
Good thing is that we're able to learn more things in this period of time, but each time after class, all of us are almost exhausted especially if there's another class or lecture follow by. After course of internal medicine, next cycle will be Obstetric and Gynaecology subject..another stressful and busy week to go..
-- Weather
Finally Spring comes! After weeks of great fluctuation of temperature, it is now eventually become more acceptable. Temperature ranged from 6-12 C this week. Personally I like the most this kind of weather =) not too hot or too cold, just nice and cooling ^^
But...today I saw for the first time in this year a mosquito in my room! Argh... you just can't imagine how terrible is the mosquitoes here! They are not only big in size but also in number and summer is their most active period that they can just make you an insomniac for the whole night!
-- Class Atmosphere
My group now is [11-1], of whom this 1 is still in Malaysia now. He is the one who smiles the most in the class no matter how boring the class is. He likes to joke around, creating a pleasant and wonderful atmosphere in our group.
Today we've Russian language class, the atmosphere was changed so significantly without his presence. All of us were so tired after therapy class and the atmosphere was so dull and weird. And for the first time ever, we'd such a boring and the longest russian class in this semester. You might not know how 'powerful' is his smile, that would otherwise not only makes teacher happy and euphoric, but also able to greatly shorten the duration of normal class!
We really miss this guy a lot especially his charming smiles that can bring so much 'advantages' to us (well, if you know what I mean hehe =P)
We're all waiting for you to come back to get started with a series of our planned activities. Group is not complete without you! Ya, I know you're reading this ^^
Hope to see you soon!
-- New Game experience
With my sharing about the games in previous post, I believe that you have already well-acknowledged of what are the changes in this game, which I've been playing since last year. 2Moons is a great MMORPG game that has recently undergone a big update called BMR patch (Bad Moon Rising). Ya, one of the visitors just leave a request for link to download the client. So, here it is.
Ya, answer especially to tiborsho - Yes, it's free to play! No month payment or hidden charge, unless you wanna spend on item mall for some extra equipments but it is your choice =)
One reminder: Make sure that you've signed up for the game before you can actually play it. Another restriction of this game is it has no longer allow new IP access from different countries since December last year, except for United States. To check it out more, it's good to visit 2Moons forum here.
And other minor changes here include my lifestyle, sleeping hours, etc...
How about you? ^^ I believe all of us experience changes every moment in our life. Well, no matter what the changes are, how big or small, I think we should take it as a challenge and face it optimistically.
Some changes might seem to be very unfavorable to you initially, but they might also turn out 360 degree anytime to give you an unexpected surprise, who knows right? =)
Monday, 31 March 2008
A Quick Snap
Just wanna share this interesting picture! This rapid snapshot taken on my way back to hostel after therapy class. I was in a public bus, sitting alone at the back and felt kinda sleepy until I saw these herds of goats! I quickly took out my handphone and managed to take a shot before the bus left far.. luckily the snap is still ok =)
Actually, it is not too difficult to see herds of ruminants such as cattles and sheeps in this town, but rarely you can find them around the town area.
Well, let's count how many of them... 13 in total ^^ (Don't count the one on standing, he is the owner =P) Small herd but I was attracted by their colours, especially the only brown ones. Look at them, how tame and lovely are they! They're not only be 'friendly' to human and vehicles, but also they seem to know how cross the road, without instruction from their owner! Look left and right, then go... well, maybe these goats somehow learn something from human world in their daily routes =)
I've just discovered this! look at this white goat standing in the middle of the herd... do you see something? lol! look down... shitting?? hehe, I'm not so sure tho =P
Any idea how old are these goats? Here are some datas of their life span:
-- For Does (adult female) = 11-12 years average age, but... usually the death in does is kidding related. Does that are "retired" from breeding period around age 10 live longer... up to 16-18 years. But some can live up to 24 years.
-- Wethers (castrated ram) = 11-16 years average age
-- Bucks (adult males) = 8-10 average age - bucks usually live shorter lives than does and wethers due to the stresses of going into rut each year.
Kinda short life span if compared with human, but from the view of life expectancy ratio between male and female, it's the same that female always live longer than male.
Highest life expectancy (age) recorded in human is 76:83 (male:female), which is from Japanese nation as well as in Australia, while the lowest average expectancy lifespan found in Zambia, which is only 36:36 (omg, this is shocking! average 36 years..just imagine if we were born here...) In industrialized countries like Russia, it is relatively low in men:women, which is 57:70.
Just my sharing =D Have a nice day~
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Bad Moon Rising
Ya, this is the latest update of 2Moons, the game which I've been playing for few months since last year. 'Bad Moon Rising' (BMR) is the patch we're waiting since last year december, and it finally comes true after few delays!
This is the biggest patch ever in 2Moons. The patch includes many updates and new changes. Here's the latest release news from Game Master in the forum:
___From The Historian
We have a lot to cover..
To all the new people and those of you strting fresh, you will find a number of changes to helpyou get started in game. Not only have the low level quests been reworked, the Maze of Newbies has been modified and you will find a new creature, the Akris, that will really help you get going.
Additionally there are now little bonuses when you meet milestone levels.
First start downloading!
Lvl 10
Megenta Candy
Lvl 20
Super Magic Health Potion – Mini Pack
Red Lollipop
Lvl 30
Fortress Map [rabble]
Cyan Candy
Lvl 40
Super Noble Health Potion – Mini Pack
Blue Lollipop
Lvl 50
Fortress Map [fear]
Portal Scroll 10
Lvl 60:
Super Divine Health Potion – Mini Pack
Experienced Battle 3
Red Heart
Blue Heart
So what else is new? Well the Cash Shop got a few new things:
Mounts just got better. It used to be a 28% boots to your speed but now it is 32% and of course there is a new mount.
The old cash shop mounts can now be upgraded, so go see the stable master in-game!
Don't fret if you don't want to purchase a mount from the cash shop you can always get one in-game with dil. Unless you want the new mount... for that you will have to collect some feathers, though none of these have as good of a speed boost as the cash shop mounts.
So we know it is a pain to stoop down and pick up all the goodies that the mobs drop.. and maybe you are really just after divine items. Well with teh help of a little pet you never have to worry about it again.
First you purchase an egg, once cracked the pet will stick with you for a month. Once the month is complete it will go back in to its shell to recover some strength. Man can those pets sleep! You will have to purchase a bell to wake them out of their shells, but the bells are a lot cheaper than the initial egg.
We have 2 new maps for you..
First up the Aquirai Ruins. For those of you near level 131 prepare yourselves for a harsh map.
Here is a a peek of the layout, you will have to get there and explore for yourself.
Your greatest challenge will be the Immortal. He only spawns once every 24 hours and should prove to be a trial for the greatest of our warriors. Don't think that he will be your only challenge though there are many new creatures to get through before you see him.
The Space of Pilgrimage.
You will need to work with the Incar knights to help build the Tower of Hope by donating supplies. Once it is open you will need to move through the Aquirai Ruins.
There're New Weapons and Armors too!
The skills are coming too.. look around at the major MMO sites.. you might find details out there.. soon... very soon.
Finally.. there are significant changes coming to the server side to help with the issues we've been seeing in game. Along with these changes will be a zero tolerance policy for Hackers and Bottters. If you are caught, you will be banned with no chance of ever getting the account back. You've been warned.
___ Approved by The Historian
Ha! What a big info from GM! I like all particularly the last sentences which claimed to have 0 tolerance policy for hackers and botters. I think this is the main hope for me and many other real legit players out there, to whether continue or leave the game. Hackers and botters are now most serious problems in this game. But unlike certain MMORPG I played before, Admin here cares much about what players say. I hope there's no more hackers along with implementation of this Big Patch!
well, I think most of the 2Moons fan have gotten this latest release right? Downloading link is available now in the forum. Check it out =)
Have fun!
Thursday, 27 March 2008
I'm Sick...
Thought that it was over, but when I wake up yesterday morning, other few symptoms came. I've suffered from nasal obstruction, sneezing and slightly dizziness. I didn't really care of it as I was rushing for psychiatry class. In the class, watery nasal secretion making me hard to pay full attention. Just right after case-history section with patient, my eyes felt so irritated when I looked at the sunlight reflected through the window. I couldn't control tears from running down, omg...I felt so uncomfortable with these lacrimation and epiphora. [Photophobia]
The symptoms worsen last night and I experienced heaviness of the head and eyes, fatigue and loss to concentration to do anything includes updating my blog and preparing for credit-test of psychiatry tomorrow. I knew it won't come out with something good if I tried and forced myself to finish all these works in this situation. So, right after my care-history assignment was done, I quickly jumped into my bed. Nasal obstruction just made me so hard to breathe and it became better only after application of decongestant ointment.
Today, I'm still suffering from all these symptoms, but a little bit better than yesterday. Photophobia still killing my eyes and sneezing is just terrible. Thank God that I passed my credit-test smoothly, even without any preparation! I was so scared of oral part, which I've to answer the questions given right on the spot. Ah! everything is over now! Just feel nice.. =)
All these while I continue to take vitamin supplements, especially Vit.C. It really helps a lot in fast recovery if you're experiencing the above-mentioned symptoms. And it prevents sore-throat effectively, 100% proven as I've this experience in past 5 years. But do remember to take it once you feel something wrong with your throat, before the pain appears.
Well, here is what I've concluded to have better and clearer view of this illness:
Symptoms: Nasal Obstruction, Feeling of dryness in the throat, sneezing, watery nasal secretion, epiphora (watery of the eyes, caused by photophobia), slight rhinolalia clause (abnormal speech attributable to nasal obstruction), dizziness, slight headache, fatigue.
Self-diagnosis - Rhinitis (Should be of viral origin - rhinovirus most probably)
Treatment - In my opinion, bed rest and vitamin supplements are the best treatment. Other methods consist of symptomatic treatment includes decongestant nasal drops to temporarily relieve unpleasant feeling.
Some people might use antibiotics at the very beginning of the illness, in order to get rid of all symptoms. Actually, this is not a smart way to do. You should give time to let your body to produce enough immunity to resolve it. This is the most natural and healthy way to deal with disease. However, it doesn't apply to all the cases, especially if you've fever, urgent seeking for doctor is the best way. In this case, Antibiotics are given only when there's secondary bacterial infection.
In normal course, it should be recovered within 1 week. But I believe it takes shorter course for me =D
I'm not sure about others, but every year I fall sick 2 times since I stay in this country 5 years ago. It happens in between season changes - from autumn to Winter ; from winter to spring. Most probably due to great fluctuation of temperature, low air humidity, strong cold wind and other factors which lead to decreased immune system of body. It seems hardly for me to avoid it, unless staying all the time at hostel without going out but that's impossible.
Take care everyone, especially those who staying in areas where season changing is taking place now.
Have a great day! Stay Blessed!
Improve Your Blog Stats
So here it is.
Start Copy Here:
I have randomly selected 5 of you below to be tagged and I hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. You have to tag 5 other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list. (Do not replace, just keep on adding! Yes let’s hope a long list!) It’s real easy! Tag others and see your Technorati Authority increase exponentially!
The benefits of Viral Linking:-
One of the fastest ways to see your Technorati Authority explode!-Increase your Google PageRank fast-Attract large volume of new traffic to your site-Build your community-Make new friends!
And these are the people who already took part on this tag:Blognation, Pinoytek, Reyna, Bluep, Kotsengkuba, Buraot, Iris, Banco De Reyna, Mitch, Tatapilla, HappyMum, Mommy's Little Corner, A Simple Life, moms.... check nyo, Denz Techtronics, Denz Recreational, Sweet Lullaby, Buzzing Around, Beckoning Destiny, Loving Living and Laughing, Elite Space, [next insert here]...
End Copy Here-
I'm now passing this to Breezy, Zhoe Wynz, WongHongWeng, ShooHao, and xiaoxue.
Take care all! have a great day!
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Phobia means a strong, irrational fear of something that actually poses little or no actual danger. It is a type of anxiety disorder and has now becomes very common in our society. I've came across this term just few days ago when I read about neurotic stress-related disorders. There're many terms denoting types of fear, but most of them are rarely seen, or even never been case-reported before.
There're few phobias that are very common among all of us. Here is the list of them:
1. Agoraphobia -- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. It is the cause of 60% of all phobic patients. Over 2/3 are female. Some of them may abuse alcohol or drugs in a effort to overcome their phobia.
2. Social phobia -- Fear of scrutiny by other people in comparatively small groups ( as opposed to crowds), leading to avoidance of social situations. It occurs in 3-4% of general population and average age of onset is 20-35 years old.
3. Specific phobias -- a.k.a isolated phobias. It is restricted to highly specific situations such as proximity to particular animals, heights, thunder, flying, blood, etc. I believe almost all of us have certain specific phobia. As for me, I've phobia toward specific insect, well, not gonna to tell what is it, or otherwise my groupmates will surely give 'something' surprise to me =P
I've found few interesting terms in this category as follow:
Phobia -------- Object of fear
Acrophobia -- Fear of Heights
Algophobia -- Fear of Pain
Achluophobia -- Fear of Darkness
Alliumphobia -- Fear of Garlic (too bad, garlic is so essential. Read more -here)
Elurophobia -- Fear of Cats
Anuptaphobia -- Fear of staying single
Arachnophobia -- Fear of Spider
Claustrophobia -- Fear of Closed spaces
Ichthyophobia -- Fear of Fish
Metathesiophobia -- Fear of changes
Myrmecophobia -- Fear of Ants
Xenophobia -- Fear of strangers or foreigners
Teleophobia -- Fear of Religious ceremony
Alektorophobia -- Fear of Chicken
Tonitrophobia -- Fear of Thunder
Selaphobia -- Fear of Light flashes
Zoophobia -- Fear of Animals
Obesophobia -- Fear of gaining weight
Logizomechanophobia -- Fear of Computer (?... sound funny)
Well, I found that it is not difficult to construct the term as long as you know Latin language, so there're probably thousands of terms.
Treatment is different in each case but general ones include psychological therapy and medications, such as antidepressants, behavioural therapy, beta-blockers, etc.
Of course not all ppl who fear of something obligatorily require these treatments. Anyway do not hesitate to consult your psychologist if the fear has given you troubles in normal daily life.
Have a nice day. God Bless All!
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Psychiatry Cycle
Yesterday I've a chance to meet and interview with mentally-ill patient. Well, he was able to answer some questions normally, while others I've no idea what was he crapping about. I doubt whether if he understood what I'd asked, and seriously I've no clue which answers he gave were correct or maybe he was just bullshitting all the time?
Today we'd a movie clip section about this lady who was sent to hospital due to unexplained episodic seizures. When you see this clip for the first time, you might lol all the way at her behaviour, but once you understand her background and past history, you'll know how much sufferings she'd gone through these while. This world is cruel. she was 29 years old in year 2000. Before this, she was a normal person just like us. After an incidence (failure in relationship with her husband and family, peer pressures, financial difficulties, problem with her studies and baby...etc), she got some degrees of neurosis which she couldn't control it at all. This great impact had destroyed her normal social life as well as her future and everytime when psychiatrist asked her about this point in her past history (this is normal procedure of history-taking before an appropiate treatment can be given), she went in an uncontrolled state of seizures, failing to the ground, crying, shouting, yelling, muscle spasms and weird unsteady gaits. She was then returned to normal after few minutes. But again went into this state once she recalled that incidence.
I would say it's not uncommmon to meet such cases here in Russia. This is probably just a tip of an iceberg and I would say that this lady was lucky to be able to receive treatment after which her condition improved. Everytime when I walked into patients' ward at this department, I see these mentally disordered patients wandering along the corridor without direction and motive...ya, just aimless... you'll never know what they wanted to do next...few same question always appear in my mind - What are they waiting for? how's their future? do they know where are they now? do they know what's going on in their life?? I doubt they can give you even a single appropiate answer...
Some patients have positive result from the treatments given, and they are most probably able to return to normal life. But some patients are just hopeless I'd say, like the one I met past few weeks who is a Down syndrome patient, he is still a young teenager but probably gonna spend his whole life here... doing nothing at all, but eating and hiding all the time in his bed.
Being a nurse or physician here in this department is definitely not an easy job. I admit that I don't have such a great patience and persistence to deal with these patients. I really salute and respect those colleagues who have been serving here for many years. Without great loves, persistence and patience, one just can't take it and serve well in this field.
Finally I just wanna say that we should be grateful for who we are. Be thankful for what we've in our life. If we've a chance to read over the life-story of each and every single person in this world, it's not difficult to find out that we 're actually few lucky and the blessed one, of the billions ppl out there.
God Bless All! Have a nice day! ^^
Garlic and its Facts
Garlic has long been known as a herbal wonder drug, with its reputation in folklore for preventing various diseases ranged from common cold flu to grave disease like plague. It was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, as a snack chewed by Greek Olympian athletes and thought to be 'essential' for keeping vampires at bay!
Garlic brings indisputable benefits not only to our health but also to medical fields nowadays due to its therapeutic effects. Really, it has play an very important role in our life that its uses are just too many to be mentioned so I'll just share its beneficial uses in the following list:
1. Antibacterial effect -- probably the ONLY antibiotic that can actually kill infecting bacteria and at the same time protect the body from the poisons that are causing the infection. The most sensitive bacterium to garlic is the deadly Bacillus anthrax which produces the poison anthrax. Besides that, tuberculosis cases treated with garlic are shown very successfully as the invading organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis is sensitive to several of the sulphur components found in garlic.
2. Natural mosquito repellent
3. Decrease cholesterol level -- Garlic is lipid lowering agent. The largest study so far was conducted in Germany where 261 patients from 30 general practices were given either garlic powder tablets or a placebo. After a 12 week treatment period mean serum cholesterol levels dropped by 12% in the garlic treated group and triglycerides dropped by 17% compared to the placebo group.
4. Impotence -- Believe or not?! Garlic has been known as an aphrodisiac (substance that can arouse sexual desire)! Well, fact is that an enzyme called nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is primarily responsible for the mechanism of erection. Studies have recently shown that garlic in certain forms can stimulate the production of NOS particularly in individuals who have low levels of this enzyme.
5. Circulation -- from a medical point of view it can improve blood circulation significantly.
6. Pregnancy -- Data taken from research carried out by O&G department in Chelsea and Westminster hospital, London, showing that garlic can cut down the risk of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure and retained protein in urine). It can boost as well the birth-weight of babies destined to be small.
7. Powerful Antioxidant -- Antioxidants help to protect the body against damaging free radicals.
8. Fast cure for common cough and cold
9. Anti-cancer properties
10. Useful in Diabetic patients
11. As a cardioprotective agent
12. Garlic festival? -- yes! Gilroy is a small town in California and for many years now Gilroy and garlic have been synonymous, but it wasn't until Gilroy's annual Garlic Festival began in 1979 did the community embrace the local garlic industry. Today, Gilroy is best known as "The Garlic Capital of the World" and is world renown for its annual Gilroy Garlic Festival where thousands of flock to see, touch and yes, eat garlic.
Garlic however is popular all over America and there are many festivals held during the year - another big event is the Hudson Valley Garlic Festival in Saugerties, New York. At most of these events you will find garlic flavour in virtually everything from wine to soap, ice-cream, candy, meat and cakes!
13. It has synergistic effect with other health food supplements.
And many others! Well, you might wonder what is the component inside the garlic that make it so useful and beneficial. I got this info from TV as well, ya, ALLICIN is the key component of garlic!
I'll share more about Allicin in the coming post. Actually, I wanna share in this post about the way of making a good meal purely from garlic! 3 dishes in a meal, simple and easy And most important of these all 3 dishes, Garlic is the main ingredient! So let's call it as Garlic meal! ^^ Proven delicious and of course the healthy ones! But before all these, I wanna let all know about it benefits and uses, then you'd appreciate it way much more than just its good taste =)
So, do keep tune with following post about which I'm gonna share this recipe.
Have a great day!
By BlueStar
*Sources partly taken from Garlic Information Center, mistral.co.uk.
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Easter Celebration
well, for me I've joined this special easter celebration in 4th hostel cell group. A small, simple and meaningful gathering of multi-racial students from Malaysia, SriLanka, Ghana, Africa, Nigeria, and India. Besides sharing about the real meaning of this Easter Day, we'd section of ice-breaking to introduce each other since most of them are newcomers to this cell-group, including me hehe, my first time here! ^^
It was then followed by series of brain-storming games and creative art drawing of easter's eggs! well, drawing made on an egg is not that easy by the way if you've tried it before. These self-designed easters eggs were then used as gift-exchange as a wish to each others =)
We'd also been served with various delicous finger-licking snacks and cakes. I like the most cheesecakes with fruit-topping, just delicious! (too bad i didnt take a snap on them..) Here is a snapshot of this spagetti which I think is very special, look at its layers and colour...I would call it as 3-layered spagetti =D
Although it wasn't a big celebration like past few years, but i think it was a nice and cool ones, especially celebrating this meaningful day with people from different backgrounds and countries =D
~~ Happy Easter Day to All! ~~
Saturday, 22 March 2008
PhotoHunt | Metal
This is an old bridge which I'd to walk through everyday during early weeks of my semester this year. I'd 2 weeks course of Tuberculosis cycle and this bridge is the only way for me to cross over to the opposite side of the river, where the hospital is situated. It was built for railways and now is nearly abondoned. It's an very adventurous journey and every step has to be very carefully especially during winter time. Have a nice weekend!
Joints Replacement
These instruments are used only in the last stage of many severe diseases of the femur and knee joints, include osteoarthritis and osteonecrosis and often as a last choice of surgical treatment. Prior to this intervention, there're many other alternative surgical treatments such as core-decompression, bone-grafting, osteotomy, bone resurfacing..etc but once the disease involves joints and causing severe destructing effects on the sockets of articular surfaces, surgical replacement of the affected part is the only effective treatment.
Here are the pic taken in the class.
Stainless-steel hip joint! made of metal and is really hard, just imagine you've this piece of heavy metal inside your body... >.<
Knee Joint replacement parts - Left one is attached to femur bone, while right one to tibial bone.
This shows how they're used in joint replacement therapy.
I was searching for some useful informations and found this -- Pic taken during operation of Knee joint replacement surgery, where those devices are inserted to replace the diseased joint.
X-ray after hip replacement surgery.
Success rate of this surgery is very high, up to 95%. However, some patients suffer from chronic pain after the surgery. It is believed to be result of nerve damage during the operation. Besides this, another most common problem after surgery is dislocation due to man-made prosthetics are smaller than the original joint, the ball can then come out of its socket. Other rare complications include blood clots formation and infections. With this intervention, patient is able to resume his normal lifestyle except for having certain activities such as jogging and high-impact sports.
Just my sharings =D
Friday, 21 March 2008
Make A Wish
The “Make A Wish” Meme.
Here are the rules:
1. Think about what it is that you want more than anything, what your heart’s desire and fondest wish is, and what it is that you would wish for if you were to see the above wishing star flame across the night sky.
2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic above.
3. Use a graphics program of your choice and place your wish on this picture.
So here are my wishes:
Now, I'm tagging LeeChien, dexie, glensgirl, LynnWei, Kang Yong, JohnnyKiu, Elizabeth, simplymama, deepben, Ik, Ling Di, writeshy, and Nederhop vidz.
* Is this 'Make A Wish' tagged to me so coincident?
I've just received a shocking sms from my good friend, one of my groupmates has to fly back home tonight following a heartbroken news about his father has passed away suddenly in this afternoon...i was stunned...
I Pray That My Wishes Come True And May God Bless and Guide him and his family. My deepest condolences to you and your family, take care buddy..
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Unexpected Snowing
When I was discussing some X-ray films with my groupmates in the ward of traumatology department, snow fall out of sudden giving a surprise to everyone here. Some of us love it, while some worry about the way back to hostel as they didn't bring snow cap with them. In fact, it is quite a far distance from our hostel to this hospital, estimated about 1 hour by taking bus. And we've to bear with this for 2 weeks.
Some words about this hospital... personally, I don't think we can grab to learn much here because its condition is just... terrible. Well, can't expect much as it's kinda a rural area, and therefore the facilities and equipments are not as good as those in the regional hospital. The general condition of this hospital is even worse than what I'd expected before the cycle. Many casualties are hospitalized here because of the newly-built surgical department in the vicinity of hospital area. Overcrowded population, frequent blackout, unrestricted rules and patients' hygienic status making its quality highly doubted. I'll give the most 2 pts out of 10 pts of which 10 is the best.
Back to main topic =P yeah, here are some quick snaps to share with you all ^^
Window view, pic taken 5 minutes after 'discovery' of snowing.
Heavy snow after the class -- taken an hour after the previous pic.
ha! they are my groupmates =p all tried to hide under the only available umbrella, taken while waiting for the bus.
On the way for lunch! however, not all of us joined this, the rest back to hostel. Guess how many of my groupmates have just walked through here? =p
Looks like back to winter again! nice scenery around ^^
Temperature today is about 5-7 C, just nice for me =D
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Chinese New Year Concert 2008
But it is true that we'd CNY celebration last saturday! Indeed it was a so belated celebration, but all of us as students in Kursk do really appreciate and treasure this concert. It is not easy to have such kind of celebration especially in Russia here because all of us are from foreign lands, and many difficulties ranged from Organising committee selection, approval from university, budgets for each event, financial sponsorship, performances, food, venue, ticket promotion...etc gotta break through before it is finally carried out. At first, it was planned to be held in January but due to semester exam, it had been postponed to February. And again due to majority of students left for winter vacation to other places, it was then rescheduled to March.
CNY celebration '08 was organised by Malaysian CNY committees @ Kursk Malaysian Medical Students' Association (KMSA). There're altogether 19 events include Lion Dance, Martial Art Performance, 'Wu Niang' dance, Acapella performance, bandchestra aka Dragon9, Fan dance, lucky draw and many more.
In my opinion, it was a very successful concert and CNY committes had really done their best to bring to all students here such a great wonderful night. We can see the hardworks of people in each and every single event. Credits and applauses to Wong Choc Ky, organizing chairman of CNY concert 2008. And also special thanks to our financial sponsorship namely Magaram Enterprise, Trans-Russian Company and Datuk Dr. Wong Sai Hou.
Another important thing not forget to mention is although it is this concert wasn't involved purely chinese, but also Malays, Indians, Africans and other different races over the nations! Glad to see that CNY concert this year was held successfully =) Many of my groupmates were involved and they'd a real busy weekend. They are Johnny Kiu (Camera-man of the night), Eddy Su (Usher + Mr. Chinatown of the night --Best chinese traditional dress..wow! kononnya la =P), Kelvin Chong (Backdrop and helpful committe member), and Ik (Usher too? or ticket collector? not so sure hehe =p). Any other of my groupmates involved indirectly? Well, if so, tell me and I'll put your name up! ^^
Here are some snaps from the concert =D
As written on the left banner -- China Town. View during last preparation of the stalls outside the hall before the event started.
View of the concert hall, taken before the opening ceremony. It is newly renovated and can accommodate more than 500 ppl. Many students arrived early to choose a best-view seat.
Lion Dance during opening ceremony. Well.. a kinda small 'lion' but it is really something so special here in Kursk, and I bet that this could be the first 'lion' in Kursk, Russia =) It was brought from Malaysia by a student during this winter holiday. I guess the organizing commitee members are surely much heartened by arrival of this little 'lion'.
Dancing Diva or so-called Wu Niang in chinese. Nice performance brought by a group of enthusiastic chinese and indian students.
Bandchestra-Dragon 9 performance - a cool musical show with all 9 different musical instruments played by 9 'Black Dragons'. So nice are the musics, so cool are the peoples, just fantastic!
Break time! Besides food, there're many stalls set up in 'China Town' to show and demonstrate the chinese traditions. Here twins were showing the correct way to make chinese tea to Dean of foreign students, Prof. Yuri Lyashev, accompanied by our organizing chairman, Mr. Wong Choc Ky (Right)
Guess what they were waiting? yeah, waiting for their names to be written by calligrapher pro! looking around you can easily see that both calligraphy stalls were full of ppl..russians, chinese, indians, malays, africans were all here for their chinese names! Hottest spot during the break.
Introducing the way to use chopsticks! 3 different levels of challenges, from the big-sized meatball, to cabbage slices, and the smallest - nuts! Well, these 2 russians are smart, they managed to grab meatball well in 2nd trial. ^^
Latin dance. Perfect performance brought by 5 couples of students.
Wow! This one is truly not an ordinary band! Formed just 2 months old and has 8 talented members. Before the performance, there was a funny clip about the process of band forming, causing much amusements and laughters from the crowds.
And now guess what song they performed?? ya, once the most famous song -- Kai Bu Liao Kou -- Jay Chou's song! Song performed not by chinese singers but 2 malays!! respect ^^ really a good job!
Agogo dance...just LOL! Can't stop laughing by looking at these funniest dancers, especially they're all your friends! Look at their dresses and the way they dance =D deafening applause from audience, excellent job!
Well, to those who might not know what agogo means, it is actually from words GO-GO, dance was originated in the early 1960s and one of whose meanings is "power of going, energy, vigor".
The whole concert lasts for 4 hours+, bringing to all the students here a joyous and wonderful night. =)
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Just Feel Nice After All....
Well, if you've read my previous posts about hostel renovation, then you'd know what's happening here to my room. Not gonna explain more but just to share with you some pics about this change as I've promised to. (Care to to know in detail? read this and also this one)
I was homeless for about 1 week, staying in friend's room with almost all my belongings in another storeroom, except my computer and important documents.
Pics say it all...
Everything is moved away from the wall and covered with clothes.
Wall before drilling.
Wall after filling. The room was so dusty and dirty, I couldnt even breath without mask... just suffocating... >.<
Another view. The drilled drain is running up and down to all sockets in the room.
The corridor is full of bags, tables,..etc, some students just put their stuffs here left unguarded.
Cable renovation involves all rooms in this 9-storeyed students' hostel. It was built in 1970s and designed chiefly for low-cost residence. As it turned into students' hostel in the end of last century, it is now no longer able to supply adequate electricity.
New wall paper covered the damaged part of the wall. All at own expense. I spent hours to finish pasting all damaged parts... so tiring, and it's really not an easy job =s
And finally, I've settled down in this small lovely room =) Spent up to 2 days to clear the dust, clean and rearrange everything here. I slept for only 3 hours on the first day of cleaning =(
Dust is the main problem, vacuum the floor is just simply not enough to clear it, coz it sticks everywhere on the wall, ceiling, window,...etc. Most of the time used up for cleaning the dust.
Cleaning every single little thing, includes my CPU interior!
And now, I've it back =) My gaming, blogging, surfing, movie.... entertainment corner! ^^
My study corner =)
Well, is time to rest now, need a good sleep...so sleepy and really exhausted after all these. Thank God for my recent cycles are not that hectic, and for now I'm having traumatology cycle, not busy at all just the hospital is located too far away from my hostel, 1 hour taking bus >.<
Anyway, feel happy and contented after everything is over and knowing that no more blackout would happen again after this renovation ^^