Friday 11 April 2008

All in vain in seconds!

Today I'm really in bad mood! Just imagine that something you've worked up for several hours, combining all the related datas, information and statements from many different resources and just right before you finish the last step...bang! everything disappear and you've no way to trace back what you've done, no backup can be found, all your efforts just went in vain like that... >.< how will you feel in that moment? Have you ever had such experience? ...ya, it just happened to me...

I wrote a post about my points of view regarding HIV transmission rumours, which spread widely among the community of internet users. In this post, I wanna share some solid facts about these atypical way of HIV transmission so that more ppl know about the truth and correct idea of how exactly it can spread out. There's a large collections of these information, which I've to combine and extract them from different sources. It took up to 3 hours+ for me to do so. I've skipped my time for BMR event of the game, which I could rarely missed it before this. I was really tired but happy to see that my post was almost done. But guess what, just right before I finished my last sentence, I moved my mouse over the page and double clicked it... and my page disappeared!! I was stunned and couldn't believe what was happening.. was it gone? I quickly checked my history, my draft box, and even make it works offline, hoping to get back all that I'd just wrote... No, all had gone, this was just really disappointing! Few hours of works just wasted and gone in vain in a second of double-click =(

Well, I've no idea why I made a double-click over the page... it was really a very big mistake, but why the hell in this earth could a double-click close the page without any warning message?! ya, I'm using Advant Browser, and it was its default setting for double-click to close the page, which I knew only later. This is a very bad and not user-friendly default settings for closing a page. For IE (Internet Explorer), double clicks will only make it minimize but not closing the entire page. It is just ridiculous to bring down a page with a simple double-click >.< I was pissed off... well, nvm..after all, it's still my own mistake... =(

I should be more careful next time, especially when I see this line 'Could not contact Saving and publishing may fail. Retrying...' I've no idea what was going on to my connection but I see those line quite often due to unknown reasons. I didn't really care whether if it is autosaved to draft before this, but now I know how pain it is to lose all the things that you've just wrote. I swear I would never let this happen again, a painful lesson for me...

Just wanna share this to you all, especially those using Advant Browser. Never double-click a page that you wish to continue to work on, it will cancel and close everything on that page (Well, maybe I'm still a noob to this browser, but it's still a good reminder to all)
About the lost post, I'll try to work it out again, but I need to rest now, it was 2.30am in the morning when that page was declared lost finally...


  1. It nearly happened to me once also, I didn't realize that the electric supply to the com was off, then by the time I realized it was too late, computer went into hibernating mode...

    Luckily when I turned on my com, I realized that helps autosave into a draft file! Muahahah!

    Now I type ALL my posts into a notepad file first, and then post it. You should try this too.

  2. Now ie7pro, also come with double click = close. It is short cut key for near future browser. So be careful.
    I'm waiting your real post.

  3. chill chill! take a rest first, and start your HIV post again from the beginning! looking forward your next post! GamBATE! hahhahahaha...

  4. ahaha, it's a very painful lesson, well, next time u wnt make the same mistake again! so...dont feel bad eveyrone makes mistakes!


  5. haha I've been thru that moment before. I learned my lesson now I save everythg before starting a new paragraph. :)

  6. hi there...dun give up!
    looking forward for the new post!!

    be happy,k.

    **anyways, thanks for the reminder!!
