Friday 4 April 2008

Best 2Moons Christmas Video

Aha! Just checked out the forum for the latest news and I've found this, the winner of December Dancing Girl Video Contest! It was supposed to announce the result of this contest earlier but due to some circumstances, Acclaim GM has postponed it till now. Anyway, Congratz to the winner, Windbringer2! The prize is so attractive and nice, which are $100 in Acclaim Coins, 2Moons T-Shirt and Mouse Pad! Wow, how nice if I'm the one getting this! hehe.. =P

This is really a good video, nice show and great creativity! I've met some of the character ingame before and this great videa comes to a success thanked to all his guildmembers in the game, who worked out together to get the video done.

If you've been playing one of any MMORPG game before, you'd know what the video says about. However, it has sad ending, with the beloved one died in the battle. Well, from what I heard, this guy plays this game together with his wife, and both of them come out with this idea of making a romantic video during Acclaim December contest. Great job! ^^


  1. great blog.
    thanks 4 the visit.
    yes, let's exchange links.
    hit me back once you added mine so i can return the favor asap.
    thanks again!

  2. =( my pr dropped!
